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It will take some time to learn to walk in your freedom. It can take up to a year to get fully stable. Here are some things that can help.


1. Take a strong stand in authority over any demons, temptations, feelings from demons, thoughts of demons, or symptoms that try to return in the name of Jesus!


Do not receive it!  You can say, "In Jesus' name I command you demons to go! It is written, 'submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee." Or you can say "In Jesus' name I do not receive this __________ that I have been delivered from and command the spirits trying to bring it back to go now! For it is written, 'submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee! So take your influence and oppression and go to the pit now in Jesus' name!'"


2. Put on the armor of God daily, anoint home and yourself with oil when needed (to set yourself apart holy for Christ's service), speak blessings over your home, land, vehicles, and family on a regular basis, and fully cleanse and seal off your property.


3. Start faithfully attending a powerful on fire church and make sure to get water baptized.


4. Pray every morning and night.


5. Begin to read the word of God and memorize scripture.


6. Take communion on a regular basis- daily is fine. I recommend daily for a while, at least until you are stable.


7. Fill your life with the holy things of God like worship music, sermons, church activity, prayer, and Bible on tape. Get rid of the old junk of the world (ungodly t.v. shows, movies, worldly music, etc…).


8. Get rid of anything in your life that Jesus would not have quickly (flush drugs down the toilet, dump alcohol down the drain, and burn pornography or witchcraft materials, etc…).


9. Renew your soul (mind)- dismiss thoughts that are impure and think on holy things. Control your emotions to not lose your temper or have emotional ups and downs. Make godly decisions and stick to them. Remember the good of your past and don't meditate on the negative. Imagine God's favor and blessings in your future, not things that are fearful or negative.


10. Be humble and submissive to Christian leadership as they teach you or correct you.  Be faithful in your church attendance and get actively involved in a church in revival.


11. If you sin be quick to ask forgiveness and turn away from it- don't let that separate you from God or his people. Stay in church.


12. Discipline your mouth to be holy and quit using profanity or talking perverted.


13. Have others praying for you.


14. Sometimes it can take quite some time to get stable after your deliverance. As I have said, it can take up to a year some times to fully get stable. Be patient and do these things consistantly I have listed above and: live holy, obey the Bible, keep a strong prayer life and consistent Bible reading, and don't go by how you feel! You may feel saved and delivered one day, but not the next. Don't go by feelings. Go by faith.


15. Praise God for your deliverance. Speaking and thanking God for your freedom is faith and creates an atmosphere demons hate. This will help war to keep yourself free.


16. Read and study these two books:


The Three Battlegrounds by Francis Frangipane.

Blessings or Curses: you can choose!

They Shall Expel Demons by Derek Prince. 


Remember that the world hates us (John 15:18-19), and we are targets of satanic attack as well. We face temptation, lusts, perversions of the world, persecution from evil men, and attacks from demons. Yet we can be overcomers! 


We who choose to live for the Lord over our own selfish desires, dying to self on the cross, can rise in victory and live in a way that brings great glory to Jesus. 


Just as Adam and Eve were in a perfect garden and sinned, we are in the most evil of places and are choosing righteousness! What an honor we have. 


Our brothers and sisters all over the world are facing persecution, seeing their loved ones tortured and killed, being imprisoned, and being executed….all because they are disciples of Christ. These will have an eternity of great honor! For they are the ones that have suffered with Christ! They have lived for him in the darkest of circumstances!


Those who have accepted Christ and been born again I would say, get a Bible and begin to read it daily.  It is vital that you learn and grow.  


It is also vital that you begin to attend an on-fire, powerful church that is in revival! You desperately need this fellowship, teaching, and accountability. The Bible is clear on church attendance (Hebrews 10:25). Also you need to begin to tithe into your local church the full ten percent of what you make before taxes are taken out. This will not only help the church, but will help deal with selfishness and the love of money in you. Pray that you will have no love of money in you at all. The love of money will cause many to turn away from Jesus in these end times. Be consistent and faithful to attend church every time the church doors are open.


It will be very important that you get water baptized as soon as possible. 

In 1 Corinthians 10 the Bible says Israel was baptized into Moses by passing through the Red Sea. The same water that baptized Israel killed their pursuing enemies! Water baptism is powerful! You can go to heaven without it, but your walk in the Lord will never be all it can be without obeying the Bible in this area. Water baptism helps to separate you from your past. 


It is also so important that you submit to church leadership. 

You may not always understand everything, but pray for wisdom for the leadership of your church, love them, and submit to them. You are only excused from this, if the leadership is trying to lead you into sin. I highly recommend a book by John Bevere called Undercover to help you in this area.


It is also so important that you walk in forgiveness. 

We cannot be forgiven unless we forgive others (Mark 11:25-26). Forgiveness is a choice we can make. We must forgive, ask for emotional healing, and then ask the Lord to keep our hearts loving and tender.  Everyday make sure to forgive those that have wronged you and pray for love, humility, and all the fruit of the Spirit to increase in your life daily. Another book by John Bevere called The Bait of Satan will help you learn this truth and live it out. It is a life changing book. I have saved the most important two issues for last. 


It is so important that you get all the sin out of your life!

This means dumping the alcohol down the drain, burning pornography, throwing away the old music, dvd's, videos, magazines, or anything else that is sinful.  You need to also throw away tobacco products, dump drugs down the toilet, stop having any kind of sex outside of marriage (even looking with lust or masturbation must stop), and totally destroy and get rid of anything of the occult, of false gods, false religions, or idolatry! You will need to go room by room through your house and clean it out. 


Throw away any ungodly movies with sex, nudity, excessive violence, profanity, using God's holy name if vain, or has the occult in it in anyway. Anything you own that is tied to the occult (ex. witchcraft, horoscopes, reading tarot cards or idols) brings a powerful curse upon your life and your descendants. Also demons are now released into your life and the lives of your family and descendants. This is also true with false gods or idolatry! You need to sever ties with Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Toaism, Freemasonry, or any other false religion. Get all the objects out of your life tied to these false religions. This is so important to take seriously and go room by room, through every draw, jewelry box, attic, garage, vehicle, and

make sure there is nothing that displeases God in anyway! 


Sinful things remaining in your life will be a snare to you. It will also cause God's presence to be absent and the presence of evil spirits to enter your life and home. There must be a turning fully away from sin

and living very holy unto God after accepting Christ. I saved one of the most important things for last.


You must have a very strong and powerful prayer life. 

I recommend starting with around 15 to 30 minutes every morning before starting your day. But soon let your prayer time be for at least an hour a day. This is vital. You must learn how to pray and get to know the Holy Spirit in your prayer life. This will take discipline, but the results are worth it. If you know the Bible for yourself, and have a relationship with the Holy Spirit, it will be harder for the devil to deceive you. 


It is so important to stay very close to Jesus in these end times. There will be so much evil, violence, and sin. You will desperately need to stay close in a relationship with him. This comes from prayer. The very last thing I will say is deal with unhealed wounds and areas that need deliverance. So many have generational bondages in their lives. They can see the same physical sicknesses, mental and emotional problems, marital problems, financial difficulties, and various issues that seem to be in their bloodline. This called a generational curse. It must be broken by the power of the blood of Jesus. Many have been so rejected, hurt, lonely, depressed, and emotionally broken to pieces! You must allow the Lord to fully heal you. 


Ask him to and then believe it is done. Others deal with the past. They still deal with lust, anger, a pulling toward drugs or alcohol, or a tug back to the occult. All this will have to be surrendered to Jesus at the cross and complete deliverance and healing take place. 


Also please remember that no matter what the world says, homosexuality and sex outside of marriage is a sin that will send people to hell. Jesus can forgive and change those that come to him. Also abortion is murder, shedding innocent blood, are a serious sin in the eyes of God. 


How to Pray


The first thing that is very important is to let prayer be a relationship between you and God. The Lord is looking for those that love him, love his presence, and will want to spend time with him. Prayer is one of the most important aspects of your Christian life. The Bible says to "die daily." How does one die to the flesh and walk in the Spirit (Rom8:1).  It is by waking up early and starting your day with prayer. Prayer causes you to die to the flesh and have your spirit ignited with the fire of God daily. Your life of prayer will give you strength you need to overcome temptation, help you understand the Bible, and be an effective witness for Christ. So let's talk about how to pray effectively. Jesus teaches us in Luke 11 how to pray. 



He says pray like this


"Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come. Your will be done [held holy and revered] on earth as it is in heaven. Give us our bread [food for everyday]. And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone who is in debted to us [who has offended us or done us wrong]. And bring us not into temptation, but rescue us from evil. (Amp)"


Begin your prayer time by coming through the blood of Jesus.  Then confess any sin and make sure you are washed in the blood of Jesus and holy before God. The blood is what gives us access to God's manifest presence.  This is why Jesus said to start with "Our Father." We are his children by the blood.  Spend some time thanking the Lord for all he has done for you.


There is so much to be thankful for. Do Praise and worship and lift your hands and sing to the Lord,  also worship in tongues. Praise and worship is what Jesus was speaking of when he said "hallowed be your name."   It is so important to know the Holy Spirit. His presence brings the life, anointing, and fellowship with God. He will anoint you fresh for the day. He will set your heart on fire for the day.  Then move into prayer. Speak in tongues. Tongues help tune us into the Holy Spirit, strengthen us within, and gives an access for the Holy Spirit to pray through us the perfect will of God.  



Spend at least an hour in prayer every day. The Holy Spirit will guide you on how to pray. He will lead you on when to change from worship to prayer and from point to point. He needs to be in charge. You can learn to be led by the Spirit and move in the anointing from your own time with him.


Be careful to not let prayer become a dead ritual. What you have read above can easily become a dead routine. Prayer is supposed to be fellowship with the Lord. We should love to pray, because it is our time with the Lord. Our prayer time should be like a river of life that flows in and with the Holy Spirit. Each day in prayer will be different and special. There is life in prayer if you will have fellowship with the Holy Spirit and seek the Lord's presence.



How to read the Bible


It is important to have a Bible that is easy to read. You don't want to have to sit and read something over and over just to understand the wording of it.  I would say learn to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit in prayer that he can lead you what to be studying and when. Then he can also teach you what he wants you to know.



Prayer and Bible study take discipline to do.

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