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Deliverance consists of three main parts namely:



Tearing down of strongholds;


Remove the legal rights of demons;


Casting out of demons;



To be successful in the deliverance process one must first remove these blockages to obtain complete deliverance.


What are legal rights?


It is strongholds in our lives that can give the demon the right to remain in us and/or the right to enter us or torment us.  

These are the strongholds that can give demons access to us or to any area of our lives in other words legal rights to be in our lives:


1. Soulties


Sexual relationships outside the marriage is one of the best ways to create very strong soul ties between two people. This ungodly soul tie creates a rope between two persons that demons can use to their advantage to cross from one person to another. If that person had demons tormenting them, and you had sex with them, it unites the two persons, and therefore a soul tie is created, and the demons tormenting that person also have rights to torment you.


In 1 Corinthians 6:16 it is written:

Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For the two He Says shall become one flesh.


He warns us not to have sexual relations with a prostitute because we become one flesh, flesh as in the soul realm not a physical flesh with that person. There can also be soul ties between yourself and another person, without any sexual relationship involved. Soul ties can also be created through bad or unhealthy relationships such as Adultery, Fornication, Occult activities etc.


2. Sins 


Wilful or unwilful - When we commit sin, it gives the demon a legal right to torment or harass us in one way or the other. An example is when a person have lustful thoughts it can open the door to a demon of lust.  Satan starts with putting wrong thinking in our minds and when we accept it and make it a habit it opens a door for the demon or evil spirit to move in further which later on can causes the person to commit a serious sin. When the person committed this serious sin he or she opens the door to even more demons and into the direction to more sins.


In 1 John 1:9 it is written: "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."


If we dont confess our sins it remain in our lives. We need to confess our sins to God in order to be forgiven.


3. Demonic vows


A demonic vow can be made consciously or unconsciously. It also gives a demon a legal right to gain access into our lives. For example when you join a group of witches or an occult group they are required to make vows with the devil. When you get curious and start reading about witchcraft, occult or the reading of horoscopes you give Satan your spiritual signature and tells him that you are interested. That is why so many people have strongholds in their lives without even knowing it. They are reading horoscopes for years and without knowing it (unconsciously) are giving their signature to Satan.


A person can also unknowlingly promise something to a person that is involved in the occult or witchcraft and then it is seen as a demonic vow in the spiritual realm. We should be so careful of what we are saying or promising and to whom we are saying it. Jesus warns us not to make any vows at all. The only good vows are those made during a marriage ceremony.


4. Ancestral sins


When someone have been involved in the occult world or any witchcraft they have opened doors for demons not only in their own lives but also in the lives of their own children or grandchildren. If your ancestors have committed sins or have been involved in the Occult, Secret Societies or any witchcraft then you have to confess those sins and ask God for His forgiveness. If you are not guilty of those sins it doesn't matter it may have caused curses in your life, and those curses need to be broken.


It is written in Exodus 20:5: you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me.


If your ancestors have experienced the same problems that you are then you know that ancestral sins are involved.


It is written in Lev 26:40-42: But if they confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers with their unfaithfulness in which they were unfaithful to Me and that they also have walked contrary to Me.

vers 41. and that I also have walked contrary to them and have brought them into the land of their enemies if their uncircumcised hearts are humbled and they accept their guilt

vers 42. then I will remember My covenant with Jacob, and My covenant with Isaac and My covenant with Abraham I will remember.



5. Childhood rejection


When a parent has rejected a child a spirit of rejection may enter both the parent and the child. A bondage is caused during that child's childhood. The remedy is to make a choice to forgive that person and release the hurt in your heart against that person.



6. Weaknesses


When a person experiences weakness, such as emotional shock, physical trauma, fearful experiences during childhood, and any other areas then it leaves us vulnerable for Satan to attach himself to us and move right into our lives. When our defenses are at its lowest then Satan can move in. The same is true with people that drinks a lot and with people that uses drugs because then again your defenses are at it lowest and demons thrive on weaknesses so they move right in and make themself at home in your life. The remedy is if there was any bitterness involved against the person that caused the physical trauma or fearful experience during your childhood and you are still holding it against that person then you must forgive the person who hurt you, and repent for harboring bitterness in your heart against them. If the point of weakness was caused by your own sin, such as drinking or drugs, then confess and repent of that sin.


But if demons entered into your life through physical trauma or any other experience, and none of it was anybody's fault, then the demons are trespassers in this situation, and need to be cast out and demanded to leave.



7. Curses


The words we say are powerful we can choose life or death by the power of our own tongue. We must bless and not curse. If you have spoken something against yourself renounce it and repent it before God and break the curse in Jesus name. Physical objects can be cursed and carry curses. Objects such as idols, occult books, rings, movies, charms, etc. If you have brought any pagan religion into your home, you could be opening the door for demons to enter and bother the people within your home. It is best to burn and destroy the physical objects that could be cursed.


It is Biblical to burn cursed objects. It is written in Lev 18:27: For all these abominations the men of the land have done who were before you and thus the land is defiled.


It is written in Isaiah 2:18, "But the idols He shall utterly abolish." Renounce demons: Renounce any known demons that have been invited into your home for example spirit guides and any interest or involvement in the occult or Satanism. Also renounce any demons that you know need to be cast out. This helps let the demons know that you are no longer interested in having them around.



8. Unforgiveness


If we are not forgiving others God will not forgive us. Unforgiveness is a sin and if that sin remains in our lives it is giving the demon legal rights to enter our lives. Unforgiveness is one of the reasons why people do not receive healing. To forgive someone is a choise we make and not a feeling.


Matthew 18:23-35: Verse 35 "So my Heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses."


Repent for holding bitterness in your heart against others, and make a solid choice to forgive those who have wronged you (also confirm your choice by verbally forgiving them), and release the bitterness and hurt from your heart against them.

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