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Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:31 “...I die daily.” This is a prescription for daily victory; the victory of Christ over our old nature including witchcraft and the Jezebel spirit. Let us pray and proclaim daily the work of the cross in our lives. This was part of Paul's life of victory. The four works of the cross in Galatians are our model. Let us pray and proclaim these four scriptures.



Pathway to Freedom





Father in Jesus Name I forgive my mother, father, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles and any other relatives, and anyone else who has ever hurt me. Amen!!!





Galatians 2:20 (Myself)


“I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me...” Lord, I appropriate

the work of the cross in my life today. I allow it to crucify my self.  I humble myself.  I renounce my selfishness, self-centredness, selfish, ambition and my pride. I take self off the throne of my life and renew with You that You are Lord of my life, seated on the throne of my life today. I desire to serve others and will be otherscentred. I will walk in humility and meekness today.



Galatians 5:24 (My old carnal nature)


“And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”

Lord, today I allow the cross to crucify my old carnal nature. I put to death the sins and inclinations of my old ways of living, especially pride, anger, impatient, lust, jealousy, manipulation, controlling of other people. I “put off” the old (your name) and “put on” the new (your name).  The old (Your name) was crucified with Christ and I have been raised in newness of life. 


I confess and repent specifically of these sins in my life :


(This is just an example you can add or remove from this list)


1.    getting upset with other people, 

2.    getting irritable, 

3.    being impatient, 

4.    anxiety, 

5.    feelings of inferiority keep me from trying to serve God;

6.    I fail to attempt things for God because i am not talented enough;

7.    I do complain a lot;

8.    Critizising other people and be negative;

9.    Enjoy listening to gossip or listening to partial truths;

10.    To gossip;

11.    To exaggerate or telling a lie;

12.    Failing to read the bible everyday;

13.    I do argue;

14.    Pride;

15.    Rebellion;

16.    Ignoring other people;

17.    Anger;

18.    Thinking that I am better than other people


Father in Jesus Name I pray and I ask that you forgive me of all my sins and I renounce all these sins Lord and any work in my life of controlling others through manipulation, domination, or intimidation. I release all those people whom I have sought to manipulate and control, and got upset with specifically people I worked for and worked with, family and friends. I will walk in the Spirit today and not fulfill the lust of the flesh.


Galatians 1:4, 6:14 (The world)

“... Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me and I to the world.” Lord I say to You today that I belong to You and not to the world. You come first in my life Lord.  I love You Lord with my whole heart, soul and mind. My citizenship is in heaven and not on earth. I die to the world and the things in the world. I place my relationship with You first in my life.  I repent of these worldly inclinations that I feel you are dealing with in my life, specifically the sins that I have mentioned above Lord


Lord, help me today to not feed my soul on the world's “junk food” in order that my hunger for You will grow. I

draw near to You that You will draw near to me.


Galatians 2:19 (The law)


“For I through the law died to the law that I might live to God.” Lord Jesus, thank You for dying for me. I have received this gift of salvation by grace through faith and not by my own works. I will not be legalistic myself or towards others today. Thank You for Your continued grace. I renounce all forms of striving and performance to live by self-imposed rules or laws. I renounce judging others and imposing my standards and expectations upon them. I reject condemnation for I am accepted in the beloved. I receive willingly the conviction of Your Holy Spirit and desire to walk with You in holiness today

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