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Curse Breaking Prayer 



Col 2:14-15: Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.


Lord Jesus,

I confess to You that I have been in bondage in the following areas (name the specific areas), and I ask You to reveal to me the cause or causes that brought this into my life. (Here, confess to the Lord whatever He brings to your mind.) I thank You for the release that You gained for me when You became a curse on the cross.

I ask You to forgive me or my ancestors for any sin that has exposed me to a curse (name any specific sin that you are aware of.) I receive Your forgiveness and I choose to forgive those who’ve sinned against me (name these people).

I break any ungodly ties that still bind me to anyone in my life who’s ever hurt or disappointed me or to whom I have related in an ungodly way. (Name these people as you break the unhealthy bonding and ‘soul ties’.)

I renounce any and all contact with the occult and promise to destroy and occult objects that I may possess. (Name the specific occult involvement.)

I renounce any and all sexual sins, and I break the power of pornography that may have a hold of me.

I renounce any and all self-inflicted curses that I’ve pronounced on myself, and I break those patterns from my heart and tongue.

I renounce any and all curses that I’ve spoken against others, whether knowingly or unknowingly: gossip, bitter words, anger, and judgment. I break the authority of any such occult power in my life.

I renounce any and all unholy covenants in which I or my ancestors have been involved (name them).

I renounce any and all patterns of stinginess with finances that I or my ancestors have engaged. I resolve to be obedient to the Lord in the area of tithes and offerings.

I renounce all attitudes of reliance upon man and the flesh. I resolve to put my trust solely in the Lord, my God.

I do once and for all release myself from the power and authorities of any curse.

All demonic spirits and powers involved (name them if they’ve been discerned), I bind you and command you to cease your activity in my life and to leave my life, my body, my soul, my mind, my family, my house, my job, etc.

I pray all these things in the authority of the name of Jesus and give You thanks and praise, Lord, that all these things are done.



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